Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Music: I am listening to the music in sweating to the oldies 2! Lori got me a coooooooool b-day present! Thank you Lori!!!! :o) I'd love to try my new DVD today, but... it is too late to dance today, so here I go with toning but see what the music is like :o)

Biceps curls: 35
Triceps curls: 30
Forward arm raise: 35
Lateral raise: 25
Bench press: 35
Fly: 35
Walking lunges: 25
Crunchs: 33
Reverse curls: 30
Rear leg lifts: 35
Triceps dips: 25
Low Bridge with leg raise: 12
Regular pushups: 6

and stretching.

... LOVED the new DVD, can't wait to do it!!!

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